Hartono Tjoe

Associate Professor, Mathematics Education
Beaver Athletics and Wellness Center, 201T

de la Torre, J., Carmona, G., Kieftenbeld, V., Tjoe, H., & Lima, C. (2016). Diagnostic classification models and mathematics education research: Opportunities and challenges. In A. Izsák, J. T. Remillard, & J. Templin. (Eds.), Psychometric methods in mathematics education: Opportunities, challenges, and interdisciplinary collaborations (pp. 53-71). Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Monograph Series No. 15. Reston, VA: NCTM.

Tjoe, H. (2015). Giftedness and aesthetics: Perspectives of expert mathematicians and mathematically gifted students. Gifted Child Quarterly, 59(3), 165-176.

Tjoe, H., & de la Torre, J. (2014). The identification and validation process of proportional reasoning attributes: An application of a cognitive diagnosis modeling framework. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 26(2), 237-255.

Tjoe, H., & de la Torre, J. (2014). On recognizing proportionality: Does the ability to solve missing value proportional problems presuppose the conception of proportional reasoning? Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 33(1), 1-7.

Ph.D., Mathematics Education, Columbia University

M.S., Mathematics, New York University

M.A., Economics, Boston University

B.A., magna cum laude, Economics and Mathematics, Boston University